Monday, September 23, 2013

Pattern Drafting: Basic Tools and their function

Basic Pattern Drafting Tools and their functions :: By: Isn't that Sew

This post has been updated and re-written on my new website, HERE

In the last post, we reviewed the basic pattern drafting tools. Today, I'd like to discuss a bit further what their intended purpose is. Stay with me, because next time...we will discuss the basic pattern foundation! Again, if you haven't taken my survey, please click the link below and answer a few short questions. I'd really appreciate it! Thanks heaps!

Pattern Drafting Tools and their functions :: By: Isn't that SewCraft Paper *Essential
Okay, so paper is essential for flat pattern drafting. You can use butchers paper, craft paper (my favorite), or even newspaper. Really, any paper that is approx. 36" X 24" will do. 
"L" Square
This tool helps to create accurate 90° angles and straight edges. It measures, rules, and squares simultaneously. 
Hip Curve
The hip curve helps to shape the hip line, hem, and lapels. 
Vary Form
The vary form ruler blends and shapes armholes, necklines, and side seam curves
French Curve *Essential
Essential tool for accurately shaping armholes and necklines
Pencils, Paper Scissors, Eraser, and Measuring Tape *Essentials
You must have these or else you will have no way to draw! Duh!
The awl will pierce a small hole in your pattern to indicate the end of a dart, pocket, trim, or button hole. The awl is also handy for scoring paper to fold, as well as "walking" your measuring tape around curves for accurate measuring. 
The pattern notcher will create flawless pattern markings. For example, dart legs, seam allowance, center lines, ease, and to identify front from back patterns. 
Tracing wheel
Pointed and very sharp wheel transfers marking onto a clean sheet of paper
Clear Plastic Ruler *Essential
Perfect for measuring seam allowance as well as any measurement really. 

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