Friday, January 10, 2014

Year in Review || 2013

2013 Year in Review
Wow, another year gone by. It is amazing how the older you get, the faster life seems to pass us by. It happens so quickly. Another day, another month, another year.....and dare I say, another decade! YIKES! This year has been an exiting year for me here at Isn't that Sew. I sort of shifted my focus from blogging to creating a business half way through the year. However, in 2014 I want to continue this lifestyle blog that began this journey for me. I really enjoy everything about blogging and owning a business and I plan on working hard to create balance between the two this year! And now, for my top three highlights.

Opened up Shop: Isn't that Sew Handmade was born in late August! This was so exciting for me. I love creating with my hands..and I especially love working with metals and power tools. Plus, metalsmithing is so similar to Dental lab work that it helps to fill the void of leaving the Dental field. I have big future plans for ITS Handmade. I'm not sure if they will come alive in 2014...or if it will be early 2015. But, it's going to happen! 
Sponsored Giveaways: ITS Handmade sponsored several giveaways this year! This was both new to me and exciting! I plan to do a select few giveaways in 2014. 
Artisan Group: While I didn't officially announce it, in early November I applied to become a member of The Artisan Group. This group is an elite juried community of talented artisans who collectively provide a lovely sampling of handcrafted products to celebrities and members of the press at major award shows and to popular prime time TV Show stylists. Well, great news, I was accepted. I've already submitted one of my designs to a popular CW TV Show, as well as signed up for press gifting at the GBK MTV Movie awards, and for Earth Day gifting! I've officially jumped in head first and I couldn't be more excited about the exposure that The Artisan Group will give me! So far I've found this group to be so supportive and have met some amazing small business owners, just like myself! 

Cheers to a successful 2014 filled with love, joy, and happiness! -Ruth-

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At January 11, 2014 at 4:22 AM , Anonymous Charlotte said...

Such an exciting year for you! Wishing you all the best for 2014! :)

At January 11, 2014 at 6:50 PM , Anonymous Emma Kate said...

It's so cool to be able to look back at some of the amazing things that you were able to do in 2013. I hope that 2014 is just as good if not better for you!


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